Food blogger Lisa Morgan has been kind enough to feature my poem Linguini today at her blog, Champaign Taste. Needless to say, I'm delighted to have the poem receiving this nice attention. If you haven't visited Lisa's blog, I suggest that you do, that is, if you like food, and who doesn't? She posts great commentary about food, includes beautiful visuals, and offers recipes. And she likes poems about food, thus her interest in my poem.
Also of interest today is blogger Robert Lee Brewer's announcement of his 30 judges for April's Poem a Day project which Robert will host at his blog. Check out the list. I'm happy to be part of such an illustrious group. Each judge will review the top five poems for one day and select one for inclusion in an anthology of the thirty selected. Be sure to head on over to Poetic Asides as soon as April arrives. If you lose the address, it's on my blogroll. Sharpen your pencils and get ready to write, write, write!
I just noticed your name on this year's "Best Of The Net" list...