And we did! The turnout was wonderful. People just kept coming. Christine brought fruit and crackers and cheese. The journals were given to the poets and sold to audience members. The support was fantastic as was the whole event.
Each poet read his or her poem from the journal and then one other of choice. Christine closed the reading with a few poems by contributors who could not join us and with an excerpt from an amazing short story by Colleen Harris. Throughout the reading there were lovely sighs of approval and pleasure as well as thunderous applause. Then we spent some time socializing and finished the day with 14 of us going upstairs for dinner together. A perfect way to end a great day.
Serving as Guest Editor for this first issue was a complete pleasure. I learned a lot from the experience and am hugely proud of the work we selected for the issue. I hope that Adanna has much success in the future. I salute Christine for having the courage and determination to create a new print journal and for focusing on women while still extending a warm welcome to male contributors.
Be sure to check the Adanna website for information about the love poem contest. And while you're there, be sure to order the journal if you haven't already.
The audience assembles

The poets: Jessica de Koninck, Adele Kenny, Madeline Tiger, Pam Bernard, me, Christine Redman-Waldeyer, Jim O'Rourke, Laura Whalen, Maryanne Hannan. Missing but present for the reading: Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Michelle Lerner

The poets: Jessica de Koninck, Adele Kenny, Madeline Tiger, Pam Bernard, me, Christine Redman-Waldeyer, Jim O'Rourke, Laura Whalen, Maryanne Hannan. Missing but present for the reading: Maria Mazziotti Gillan and Michelle Lerner
What a lovely surprise!
Christine and I share a nice hug after she presented me with these gorgeous flowers