I'm happy to have work in the ninth issue of The Innisfree Poetry Journal, edited by Greg McBride. This issue includes the work of thirty poets, including Kristen Berkey-Abbott, Martin Galvin, Julie L. Moore, and Karen Weyant. One thing I like about this online journal is that the number of poets and poems included is reasonable, not overwhelming as I've sometimes seen at other online journals.
In addition, this issue features fourteen poems from the books of Alice Friman in the "Closer Look" series. You'll also find Nancy Naomi Carlson's translations of five poems by René Char.
Among other highlights are Nancy Fitz-Hugh Meneely's review of Pointing at the Moon, a terrific book of poems by Bill Wunder arising from his experiences in the Vietnam War. Just coincidentally, I've met Bill Wunder and will be reading with him in December. I've also read the book and concur with all the praise the reviewer gives it.
I have three poems in the issue. One of them, "Pleasure," is a particular kind of form poem. See if you can figure out what the form is. (Thus I entice you to go visit the poem!) The poem, "Spying on My New Neighbors," really did begin with some spying, but not intentional spying. I was out taking a walk. As I passed the neighbors' house, through the trees I could see the young couple making out. It was a sweet and tender scene. A young couple in their first house, beginning a backyard garden, and spontaneously taking some time out for kissing. It also made me jealous! And then I wrote the poem. Put it away for a long time. Sort of forgot it. Rediscovered it and sent it to Innisfree where the editor quickly took it. I say "quickly" because this is one journal whose editor gets back to you nice and fast. I always appreciate that.
So pay the journal a visit. And if you can figure out the form of "Pleasure," then I challenge you to attempt one of those yourself. Greg McBride is right now taking up the challenge.
I loved your poems, especially the one about the daffodils and other Spring images. It's wonderful to appear in this journal with you.