It's nice to receive good news anytime, but especially these days when there's so much bad news. I've had several pieces of the good kind in the past few days. First, Ed Byrne, editor of the online journal,
Valparaiso Poetry Review, let me know yesterday that he was featuring my review of Paula Bohince's collection,
Incident at the Edge of Bayonet Woods, on the journal's companion blog,
One Poet's Notes. The feature also includes links to poems of mine that have previously appeared in
VPR. If you haven't yet discovered the journal, check it out. It's one of my favorites. If you haven't yet bought Paula Bohince's book, do so immediately. Paula, in addition to publishing this wonderful collection, recently received an NEA fellowship.
And if you haven't yet discovered Ed's blog, do bookmark it. It's one of the most informative poetry blogs out there. Apparently, lots of people agree with me. Ed's post on
Elizabeth Alexander's Inaugural poem received 1500 visitors in one day and 60 comments.
In other good news, my poem, "
The Missing Wife," is reprinted in the online journal,
On the Issues: The Progressive Woman's Magazine." Also included are poems by Lois Rosen, Annie Finch, and Marge Piercy.
One more piece of good publication news, but I'll save that until next time.
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