
Saturday, September 8, 2007


The other day I was looking out an upstairs front window and was startled to see this scene:

We are apparently growing balloons in this tree. As I was leaning out the bathroom window to take the above photo, I saw shadows moving below. Here's what I saw:

A flock of wild turkeys. Or is that a gaggle? Here's one straggler:

I love it when surprises come out of nowhere. Balloons in a tree. Turkeys walking across the front yard. In the backyard I created a nice surprise. We have a section that refuses to grow grass. The best it will do is some moss. So I decided to just accept it and try something new--a rock garden. I love it:

Several weeks ago someone on the Wompo list suggested an anthology of garden poems, each poem accompanied by a photo. Now I have my garden and my photo. Wonder if I can get a poem out of this?


  1. I love your "balloon tree!" too funny. Yes, I like life's happy surprises as well.

    Beautiful garden by the way.


  2. Thanks, Kelli. These moments strike me as poetic. You know that lovely bit of pleasure you get when something unexpected pops into your poem. And I could probably draw a parallel between the rock garden and revision but will quit here.


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