
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Bloggers: Where Do They Come From?

When I first considered starting a blog, I was afraid that I would build it and no one would come. But time has proven me wrong. According to my site meter, lots of readers have been stopping by. It's really amazing to see where they come from: other towns in NJ, Florida, Washington, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Massachusetts, Alabama, California, Indiana, and so on. They also come from out of the USA: Berlin, Nova Scotia, Montreal, Australia, Spain. Interesting, too, to see how they get here. Most come via some other blogger's blogroll, so clearly the blogroll enhances traffic in the blogosphere. A number have found their way here via Google searches. I've had a few visitors as a result of posting the Louise Gluck poem. A few Google searches on "voice and tone" have also brought visitors. And finally, some visitors get over here by first going to my website and using the link there. Whoever you are, wherever you are, and however you got here, I'm happy to have you here!

Another spot of good news: Ed Byrne has included me and one of my poems from the current issue of Valparaiso Poetry Review among the three nominees for another Best of the Net collection, this one from Dancz Books. The winners will have their poems appear in a print collection. Check out the poems:
Jared Carter: “Prophet Township”

Frannie Lindsay: “Walking an Old Woman into the Sea”

Diane Lockward: “Temptation by Water”
Such a lovely honor more than makes up for the rejection I received several days ago from a journal I have no record or memory of having submitted to.

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