
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Dolls on the Move

This ad for The Doll Collection appears in the current issue of Redactions, a lovely print journal. Editor Tom Holmes was kind enough to run it for me.

Here’s the cover of the journal. I think you’ll agree that it’s beautiful. See those two eyes? They’re cleverly reproduced on the back cover. I admire that kind of attention to detail and design.

The journal includes poetry only—the way I like my journals. The back section of the journal also includes a number of book reviews. Perfect combination.

Poets with work in this issue include Angie Macri, Sandy Longhorn, George Looney, Rob Cook, Jeannine Hall Gailey, Amorak Huey—a total of 23 poets.

Speaking of The Doll Collection, I’m gearing up for an appearance at the New Hampshire Poetry Festival. I put in a proposal for a presentation and it was, much to my delight, accepted.

The event will be held on Saturday, September 24.

There will be many poets reading and presenting on a variety of topics. The schedule includes three different time slots for the presentations. There are also four poets—Wyn Cooper, January Gill O’Neil, Paige Ackerson-Kiely, and Cate Marvin—who will each give a workshop. The day will end with a reading by Ellen Bryant Voigt.

My own presentation is in the 3:00 - 4:15 time slot. It’s called “Terrapin Books: From Seed to First Fruit.” My plan is to talk about the development of my new small press for poetry, what needed to be done, the challenges, the rewards, and so on. Then we’ll have a group reading with poets from Terrapin’s first book, The Doll Collection. There might even be a few dolls present. The reading will be followed by a Q&A. If you’re in the area, please join us.

My fabulous poets include: Kim Bridgford, Lori Desrosiers, Christine Gelineau, Lori Lamothe, Kyle Potvin, Marybeth Rua-Larsen, and Emma Sovich.

I'll end this post with the full color cover of The Doll Collection. I can't resist as I am in love with it.

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