
Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Doll Collection: Book Launch
On Sunday, July 17, a group of poets gathered at the West Caldwell Public Library to celebrate the publication of The Doll Collection, the first book published by my new press, Terrapin Books. The poets included Jeanne Marie Beaumont, Kim Bridgford, Gillian Cummings, 
Jessica de Koninck, Jane Ebihara, Adele Kenny, Mary Makofske, Charlotte Mandel, 
Susanna Rich, Hayden Saunier, Elaine Terranova, Marjorie Tesser, J. C Todd. Each of these poets has work in the book which she read at the event. (There are a number of guy poets in the book, but none could make the reading.)

We were joined by lots of dolls! Gillian Cummings and Jeanne Marie Beaumont both brought their vintage doll collections for display. In addition, a number of the poets brought the dolls that starred in their poems. These dolls made the event extra special and fun.

Following the reading, we had a reception with homemade cookies made by me and iced tea. Lots of good conversation.

 Dolls on Display

 Hayden Saunier demonstrates her flip doll

Vintage Dolls from the collection of Gillian Cummings

 Adele Kenny's original Ginny Doll

 From the collection of Jeanne Marie Beaumont

 Dolls belonging to the poets

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