
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Book Launch for The Doll Collection

If you're in New Jersey on Sunday, July 17, please join us 
for this reading and book launch for The Doll Collection
the first anthology from Terrapin Books. 
The reading begins at 2:00 and is free of charge. 

The following poets will read their poems from the book:
Jeanne Marie Beaumont  Kim Bridgford   Gillian Cummings    Jessica de Koninck  
 Jane Ebihara   Adele Kenny   Mary Makofske   Charlotte Mandel   Susanna Rich  
Hayden Saunier  Elaine Terranova   Marjorie Tesser   J. C Todd

In addition to the reading, there will be a display of vintage dolls provided by poets 
Jeanne Marie Beaumont and Gillian Cummings from their personal collections.

Reception follows the reading. 
Everyone is invited to stay for cookies, tea, and conversation.

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