
Monday, June 23, 2014

Promising New Online Journals

bird online

It seems like just about every time I turn on my computer I receive a notice about another new online journal. Needless to say, since anyone can start an online journal—and often without expense—there's a good deal of disparity in the quality of these journals. Some are quite dreadful; others are very good. So it's important to check out the masthead to note the credentials of the editors and staff. Check out the Archives if there are past issues. Note the poets and poems that have appeared in past issues. Note the format of the journal. Is this one where you'd be proud to have your work displayed?

I've gathered a list of seven fairly new or brand new online journals that seem to be doing a great job. In order to get on my list, the journal had to meet certain criteria:
  • reveals identity of the editors 
  • is visually attractive and easy to read—no black background with white or colored fonts
  • does not use a pdf format
  • does not post poems side by side
  • does not use a single page scroll-down format
  • posts poems by a single poet on a single page or one poem per page
  • has easy and clear navigation through the journal
  • uses social media to promote the journal—ideally should provide Facebook and Twitter links for poems        

Titles are linked to the website. Number of issues per year is indicated after the title. Reading period appears on second line.

Dialogist: Quarterly Poetry & Art—4x
all year

Driftless Review—2x
all year

Four Way Review—2x
November 1 – March 1 for  spring issue; April 1 – October 1 for fall issue

all year

Tinderbox Poetry Journal—4x
all year

Tupelo Quarterly—4x
all year but they close submissions once they fill the upcoming issue or reach 300 submissions. Check their Submittable page to confirm that submissions are open.

Waxwing Magazine—3x
all year


  1. Thanks for the great list! You might also like Radar Poetry (

    Will Woolfitt

  2. Thanks for this list, Diane. I'd never heard of Waxwing before and it is beautiful!

  3. Terrific. There's a lot of terrific writing by promising authors featured in many online journals and EZINES with integrity. This is a nice summary, thanks.


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