
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer Journals G-P 2014

Here's the second installment of the list of print journals that read during the summer months. If you find any errors or have others to add to the list, please let me know. Good luck with your submissions.

This mailbox is ready to receive good mail.

**Indicates that simultaneous submission is ok
Unless otherwise indicated, the journal accepts online submissions

**Grist—1x—June 15-Sept 15

**The Grove Review—2x
fee but pays

Hanging Loose—3x
snail mail

**Hartskill Review—3x

**Hayden’s Ferry—2x

**Hiram Poetry Review—1x
snail mail

Hudson Review—4x—April 1-June 30 (all year if a subscriber)
snail mail

**Lake Effect—1x
snail mail

Little Star Journal—1x
strong preference for snail mail
strong preference for no sim sub

Louisiana Literature—2x

**Lumina—1x—check in July

via email attachment

**Madison Review—2x

Manhattan Review—2x
(prefers no sim but will take)

metrical only

**Michigan Quarterly Review—4x

**Mid-American Review—2x

**Minnesota Review—2x—August 1–November 1

**Missouri Review—4x

**The Mom Egg—1x—June 1-Sept 1

**Nimrod—2x—Jan 1-Nov 30
snail mail

**Parnassus: Poetry in Review—2x
snail mail

via email

**Pleiades—2x—Aug 15-May 15

**Ploughshares—3x—June 1 to January 15

**Poet Lore—2x
snail mail


Summer Journals A-F

Summer Journals Q-Z

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