
Friday, July 6, 2012

Invective Against the Bumblebee: The Movie

Click Cover for Amazon
A few weeks ago poet and blogger Adele Kenny contacted me and asked permission to use my poem, "Invective Against the Bumblebee," as the model poem for her upcoming poetry prompt. Adele keeps a wonderful blog, The Music In It, where each Saturday she posts a prompt. Each prompt is preceded by a paragraph or two of instruction with some history and craft discussion. Then there is usually a list of links to sample poems. Then the prompt. Of course, I was happy to have my poem included in prompt #107, Invective Poems.

The timing of Adele's request was interesting as I was just putting the finishing touches on my July Poetry Newsletter. The prompt for July was a curse poem. I hope this doesn't indicate that the poets are turning cranky! I was also about to complete a movie I'd been making of the poem, using the soundtrack I'd recorded when the poem was reprinted at Soundzine a few months ago. So this seemed like a good time to at last post the movie version of "Invective Against the Bumblebee."

Check it out:

Now go visit The Music In It, bookmark the site, sign on as a follower, and return each Saturday.

If you're not already a subscriber to my monthly Poetry Newsletter and would like to be, move over to the right sidebar and fill out the brief form there. It's free and includes a book recommendation, poem and prompt, links to poetry-related sites, a video, and a Craft Tip from a well-established poet.


  1. Diane! The video is brilliant - fantastic transitions and effects! Thanks so much for the blog mention!

  2. Thanks! I had a really good time making this one. Glad it coincided with your prompt.


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