
Monday, April 2, 2012

Kicking Off Poetry Month

How nice to learn yesterday that Michael Snell, owner of the Michael Snell Literary Agency in Massachusetts, is featuring me on his website's Welcome page. There's a photo of me and a recording of my poem, "My Husband Discovers Poetry," read by Betty Rauch. What a delightful surprise and what a great way to start Poetry Month. Thanks to Michael and Betty.

Go HERE to listen to the poem. This will remain in its spot for a week.

If you'd like to see the poem, "My Husband Discovers Poetry" can be found online at The Writer's Almanac.

This poem is the last one in my first book, Eve's Red Dress. It's also the first poem in my new e-chapbook, Twelve for the Record. If you were here on Saturday, you know that Amazon had a 24-hour free download of the chapbook. An amazing number of people downloaded it. During those 24 hours I enjoyed some very nifty numbers in the sales rankings. Check this out:

 And check this out. Yes, number 1!
Now if you missed this bargain, do not despair as you can still get the chapbook for your e-reader. It's only $3 which hopefully won't break your bank. Available for quick download HERE.


  1. Congratulations! Looking forward to reading Twelve for the Record.

  2. Thanks, Andee! It will make me happy to know that my work is in your hands--or your e-reader.

  3. ...and this poem is also found in an anthology I use in one of my classes! I just taught it the other day!

  4. Thanks for letting me know, Karen. When I was teaching high school English, I used to have a private fantasy that one day another teacher would be teaching my poems!

  5. stopping by to let you know how much i liked your poem! your blog is so supportive and encouraging. thank you for what you give.



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