
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Poetry Only, Please

Although I subscribe to several journals that include poetry and prose, I often find myself skipping over the prose pieces to get to the poems. So it occurred to me that perhaps I ought to subscribe to a few more poetry-only journals. Poetry with perhaps some reviews of poetry books, interviews with poets, and / or a poetics essay. A bit of art would be nice, too. I then set about gathering a list of such journals. Perhaps you might also be looking for a few ideas for new subscriptions, so I'll share the list with you. Those with a single asterisk are ones I just subscribed to. Those with two asterisks are ones I am already subscribed to. Looks like I have a good year of reading to look forward to.

Beloit Poetry Journal
A saddle-stapled journal that has been around a long time. Four issues per year.

*Cave Wall
Combines poetry and art. Two issues per year.

Court Green
Each issue includes a themed section. One issue per year.

Poetry and poetics, reviews by editors. Two issues per year.

Poetry and art. One issue per year. They make it difficult to subscribe as there is no online subscription option. Instead, you are asked to make a phone call to their NYC number.

Naugatuck River Review
Poetry only, focus on narrative poetry. Two issues per year. One is a contest issue.

**Poet Lore
Poetry and Reviews, occasional essay. Two issues per year.

Poetry and interviews. Each issue has a section of poems solicited from a particular group, e.g., nurses, attorneys. Reviews are online. Two issues per year.

*Southern Poetry Review
Pure poetry. Two issues per year.

Spoon River Poetry Review
Poetry and one very long review essay. Two issues per year.

*Sugar House Review
Poetry and reviews. All reviews are also archived online. Two issues per year. A very beautiful journal, perfect bound, glossy paper inside, pretty end pages. Very reasonable at $12 per year. Can download a pdf for your e-reader.

*32 Poems
All poetry. Saddle stapled. Two issues per year.


  1. I was just wondering about this, a few days ago. I got annoyed when I had to thumb through so many pages to find the several token poems in a big literary journal like ___________ (redacted).

    A few of the other poetry ones that come to my mind, include New York Quarterly and J.P. Dancing Bear's American Poetry Journal.

  2. As far as I can tell, NYQ hasn't put out a new issue in about 3 years.


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