
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Girl Talk 2011: The Movie

This was the fourth year that I ran an event called "Girl Talk: A Poetry Reading in Celebration of Women's History Month." This event runs on a Saturday afternoon in March and runs from 1:00 - 4:00 PM. It's held at my local library in their Community Room. On March 26, twenty-seven women poets each read one poem related to the lives of women. We had an incredible array of poems, some funny, some sad, some both. This year was the best turnout we've had so far for this reading. Approximately 100 people filled the room. Every chair was filled. A few people sat on the floor and some stood at the back of the room.

Following the reading we had a Reception which consisted of beverages and homemade cookies, baked by the poets who volunteered to bake them. Everyone was invited to stay and enjoy the cookies and some conversation.

Poets with books were each invited to bring copies of one title for placement on the book sale table, which was supervised by library volunteers. We had a total of 19 titles and sold a goodly number of books. Many of these were signed during the Reception.

Here's a short video of the event. I hope it captures the spirit and joy of the event. I also hope that it might inspire you to run a similar event in your town next March.


  1. A wonderful idea for Women's History month! Something to think about for next March - thanks for the inspiration.

  2. I hope you'll run a similar event. I almost forgot to post this post which I prepared a few months ago. Fortunately, I was looking for an old post today and unearthed this. Good to know that it found a reader, especially one interested in running an event.


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