
Monday, June 13, 2011

The Stillwater Review Launch

This past Friday night I participated in the launch reading for The Stillwater Review, a new print poetry journal from Sussex County Community College in Newton, NJ. The reading was held in a lovely venue, The Atrium of the new Performing Arts Center. I went up a double-wide flight of stairs into a large room. The front of the room was all windows, ceiling to floor. Outside the windows were beautiful old trees and a lake. That served as the background for the readers. After the reading we enjoyed fresh fruit and crackers and cheese. Take a look at the video I made as a souvenir of the reading. Each poet is here.

The submission period for the next issue has just opened. You can send 1-3 poems as an attachment to Include your contact information on each page. Include a 3-line bio. Send as an attachment. Simultaneous submissions accepted. Deadline is November 15, 2011. Next issue is scheduled for May 2012.


  1. I was happy to have one of my poems included in that debut issue and I owe it all to keeping an eye on your informative blog.

    Thanks for pointing out these kinds of literary projects.

  2. Fantastic video! You're the master video-maker, Diane!

  3. Shawntee--I'm so happy to know that I led you to The Stillwater Review. Terrific poem!

    Adele--You've passed on a thing or two to me.

  4. Dear Diane,

    I heard about the debut of The Stillwater Review from a professor several months ago and found out the appropriate submission information from your blog. One of my poems was accepted, but I have been unable to get a response email from any of the staff in the months since. It was wonderful to see the cover of the journal in your video, but I'd really like to get my hands on my own copy (and several more) for my portfolio. Do you have any recommendations of who to contact next?

    Confused and disappointed,

  5. Hannah--i can tell you who to contact but would prefer to do so in a private note. Please contact me by email. I do not see anyone named Hannah in the Contents of this first issue.


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