
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Adanna: Last Chance for Pre-Publication Discount

The first issue of Adanna is coming soon! Editor Christine Redman-Waldeyer expects to have the journal ready for mailing in June. She is offering the half-off price of $5 until May 31. That includes shipping and handling. After that, the price will be $10 per copy which is still a great bargain. Click HERE to order. You can use PayPal or snail mail.

Submissions have now closed. The list of contributors—and it's an impressive list—is available at the website. We have a total of 59 contributors who represent many states in the US as well as several other countries. The journal will include poetry, short stories, non-fiction pieces, and one book review.

Christine and I are thrilled with the work in this first issue. We thank everyone who submitted.

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