
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Good Deal from Adanna

I previously posted the Call for Submissions from Adanna, a new print journal with a focus on women. I have the privilege of being Guest Editor for the first issue, which editor Christine Redman-Waldeyer anticipates running off the press sometime around June. It's going to be a terrific first issue. Although submissions remain open until April 30, I can tell you that we already have work from all across the US and from several other countries. We have poetry, short fiction, and creative non-fiction. Most of the work is from women, but we also have work from at least three men. We have work from some very established authors who have several books out and multiple honors. We have work from some authors at the beginning of very promising careers as writers.

See our News page for some exciting news about Robin Lim, a contributor from Indonesia. You'll see why we're so proud to have Robin with us.

Right now we also have a fantastic offer on the purchase price of the first issue. Christine is offering half-price to those who order by May 31. That means you can now order the issue for only $5.00! That price includes free shipping and postage. Please see the Purchase page at the website to order via PayPal. After May 31, the price per copy will be $10 (still a bargain).

If you prefer, you may mail your check and order:
P.O. Box 547
Manasquan, NJ 08736

If you're on Facebook, please friend us there.


  1. This is an excellent deal! I am so glad to be in this inaugural issue, and I will be ordering extra copies right after Lent. (I gave up buying books for Lent! It has been hard, which is good.)

  2. Tough Lent! A ticket to Heaven, I think. I agree that the half-off deal is excellent. Hard to resist--and we hope no one does. Glad to have you in the issue.


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