
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gender Issue: The Movie

I've been back in the movie-making business. Several months ago, precisely on October 8, 2010, Nic Sebastian recorded a poem of mine for Whale Sound. This is an audio journal or library of Nic recording poems by a wide variety of poets. The common denominator is that they are all what Nic has named "web active poets," meaning that they have a substantial presence on the internet via blogs, websites, and social networks. That limitation is intended to increase the audience for Whale Sound.

Due to the success of the venture, Nic has now added an audio chapbook component and a blog, Voice Alpha. Voice Alpha is a companion to Whale Sound. There Nic and others discuss the art of reading poetry aloud. Guest bloggers are invited to contribute. Those wishing a critique of their reading skills may contribute a recording. It's all very positive. Nobody gets annihilated. It's also very instructive.

Whale Sound includes an index of all poets recorded, bios, links to the poems, and, of course, the recordings. My poem is Gender Issue, which first appeared in Margie and then in my second book, What Feeds Us, and then online in Poemeleon. I loved Nic's reading and began mulling over how I might get more mileage out of it. I decided I'd use it as the soundtrack in a movie. Nic kindly sent me the mp3 and I went about gathering appropriate images. Here's the result.


  1. Interesting stuff. And yet, I bet George would rather be caught with a bloody axe in his hand, standing over a dead body, than to be caught with his dolls. And that, to me, is most interesting of all.

  2. somehow got bumped from newsletter but resubscribed-- your work is gorgeous, Diane. xJenne'

  3. Fireblossom--George himself said, "I'd like to play with dolls." He never seemed like the bloody axe kind of guy to me.

    Jenne--I noticed the subscribe and then the quick unsubscribe yesterday. I don't know what would cause that--never happened before. But the resubscribe just came through. Thanks for the nice praise.

  4. That's George from "Seinfeld" is it not? I was never a fan, so I don't know the character. I was just thinking in general terms.

  5. One of my favorite poems, Diane! You did a great job with the vid--fabulous!

  6. Thanks, Ami. They're fun to make, especially with Nic reading.


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