
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Secrets Revealed at Pif Magazine

I was recently interviewed by Derek Alger for Pif Magazine. The interview appears in the December issue. Derek works in a somewhat unusual manner. In the past the interviewer has sent me questions via email, sometimes a few at a time but usually all at once. I then responded to the questions and sent them back. But Derek wanted to talk first on the telephone. We made a phone date and then chatted for over an hour. A week later Derek emailed his topics, not really questions, with some notes on what I'd said on the phone. He told me to respond any way I wanted. So I incorporated some of his / my notes and took off from there.

Some of the topics covered are the public response to my new book, my experience at a recent reading and makes for a good reading, my late bloomer status, graduate school, my David Copperfield childhood, teaching, my first two books, time spent at The Frost Place, my current work in poetry.

I am grateful to Derek for doing the interview. You can read the interview here.


  1. Thanks for the link. Love your story of how you came to poetry via Stafford and Dunning. Wow.

  2. Excellent interview. I appreciated "seeing" the person who writes the poetry.

  3. Sandy--
    I didn't even fully realize who Stafford was at the time. If I had, I might have been speechless. Wish I'd saved all those letters from the two of them.

    Maureen--Hopefully, not too shocking!


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