
Friday, November 5, 2010

Verse Daily Knocks on My Door

Today I am enjoying the honor of a feature on Verse Daily. My poem, Birdhouse, from my new book, Temptation by Water, will be strutting its stuff for 24 full hours and then will be archived for all eternity. Please pay a visit! Then let me know if you can identify the form of the poem.

The feature includes an image of the book cover, a link to Amazon, image links for my other two books at Amazon, a bio, and a list of additional poems of mine available online. This last, I think, is a wonderful addition to the Verse Daily site. It provides an easily accessible library of a poet's work.

"Birdhouse" first appeared in Tiferet, a beautiful print journal. I am grateful to them for having chosen it. And I am grateful to Verse Daily for choosing it now.


  1. Congratulations! I do like Verse Daily, as well its model, Poetry Daily -- both of them a major influence on qarrtsiluni's decision to serialize content daily. To the extent that the internet masses read poetry at all, it's pretty clear to me that they prefer to get it in a drip feed.

  2. Thanks! Brightens up the day considerably, both the feature and your cheers.


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