
Sunday, November 14, 2010

A New Review and It's Weird

Poet and reviewer Nicelle Davis has written a delightfully wacky review of my book, Temptation by Water. The review is posted at Pank and illustrates that reviews don't have to be stodgy affairs. This one is creative and unusual. There's a brief prose overview and then two visuals. Yes, visuals!

The prose part begins, "Diane Lockward’s collection of poems, Temptation by Water, takes readers on a journey through a maze of sorrows and delights." Click HERE to read the rest of the review.

Here's one of the visuals. Notice how the book's water motif is visually represented and how Davis manages to bring in some quotations from the poem. The second visual is a unique kind of maze. Very charming, I think!


  1. Nicelle has become a favorite of mine. Her Pank reviews are always worth reading and she's a wonderful poet.

  2. She's also a very generous poet who gives a great deal of time and effort to supporting other poets. I love Pank. Three of the poems in my book first appeared there as did a goofy little 5-question interview with one of the editors. They are quite pankish.


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