
Friday, June 11, 2010

Summer Journals: G thru P

Here's the second installment of the list of journals that read during the summer months. I've removed several from last year's list, but have not checked each and every one. If you find any errors or have others to add to the list, please let me know. Good luck with your submissions.

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**The Grove Review—1x

Hanging Loose--3x

**Harpur Palate—2x

**Hawk & Handsaw—1x
Aug 1-Oct 1

**Hayden’s Ferry--2x

**Hiram Poetry Review-1x

Hudson Review-April 1-July 31 (all year if a subscriber)

**Hunger Mountain-1x

**Inkwell-Aug 1-Nov 30

**The Journal--2x


**Lake Effect—1x

**Literal Latte--6x

Louisiana Literature-2x

**Madison Review-2x
(will hold until Sept)

Manhattan Review-1x
(prefers no sim but will take)

**Margie—June 1-Aug 1-1x
subscriber all year

Michigan Quarterly Review-4x

**Mid-American Review-2x

**The Midwest Quarterly Review--4x

Missouri Review-3x--6-12 poems

**The Nation

**Natural Bridge-July 1-Aug 31-2x

**New American Writing—June-Jan—1x

**New Orleans Review--2x

**New York Quarterly—3x


North American Review-5x

**OnEarth Magazine--4x-nature
(formerly Amicus Journal)

**Ontario Review-2x

**Parnassus: Poetry in Review--2x


**Ploughshares—June 1 to January 15--3x

**PMS Poemmemoirstory-Sept thru Nov-1x

**Poet Lore--2x

**Poetry Miscellany-1x-tabloid-e-mail

**Potomac Review-2x

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