
Friday, April 23, 2010

Countdown to Publication: My Cover Unveiled

Ta Da! Drum roll, please. I'm pulling the veil off the cover of my soon-to-be-released book. I hope you love it as much as I do. Story behind the cover will follow soon. For now just the cover. Look, but don't touch!

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  1. LOVE it!!! I would probably pick that up in a bookstore & leaf through it even if I'd never heard of you. Fabulous!

  2. Thank you! That's just what I hope the cover will do--make people want to pick up the book and look through it. (And then buy it rather than put it back on the shelf!)

  3. I love it, too. The wave reminds me of Hokusai's Great Wave, and I like the juxtaposition of the wave with the title word "Temptation".

    Very evocative and lovely.

  4. I gather that my guy imitated your guy. Your guy had multiple names so it gets really confusing. But certainly the point about the wave being a tradition is made!

  5. Awesome. Congrats! Can't wait to see the book it will become.

  6. Maureen--
    I just realized that my reply to you makes no sense. I was thinking that you'd read my next post about the art work, but of course you haven't since I haven't yet posted it. Stay tuned.

  7. Thank you for clarifying that. I didn't think of the cover as imitative but, as I said, evocative.

    I still had the image in my mind and came back to look at it again. I'll look forward to your next post.

  8. Nice, Diane! I like how the wave reminds me of a hand and how her hair blends into the water. Looking forward to seeing the finished product.

  9. Congratulations! The cover is splendid.


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