
Friday, December 4, 2009

Poetry Books Make Great Gifts

You're probably scrambling now to get your holiday gift lists made and the shopping done. (If you've already done your shopping, I don't want to hear about it.) How about a book of poetry for all the people who matter in your life? Even if you think someone doesn't care for poetry, I bet you can find just the right book for that person. And there's really no better buy than a book of poetry. Just think, if a book has 50 poems and the book costs $15, that's just 30 cents per poem! Considering that each of those poems took days, weeks, even months to complete, that's quite a bargain. Unlike most novels, a book of poems often wants to be read and reread. It lasts forever.

poem, home: An Anthology of Ars Poetica is a book I mentioned some weeks ago when it was about to be published. It has now been officially published and comes right in time for the holidays. It would make a great gift. It's also an incredible bargain at $23.00 which includes shipping. 230 pages.

(Click cover to purchase)

Consider too some of the other books I've mentioned recently. See the sidebar, "Suggested Titles for Holiday Gifts," for suggestions and links to Amazon.

Chapbooks are a great idea for the person you're perhaps not sure will appreciate a collection of poetry. They're also perfect for the person you know will appreciate some poetry. And they're great for bundling. Kristin Berkey-Abbott has posted a terrific list of recommended chapbooks.

Kristen has also posted an equally terrific list of recommended full-length poetry collections.

A gift of poetry makes the recipient happy and also makes the poet happy. I'm always happy and appreciative when someone buys my book, but I'm tickled silly when someone buys my book for a gift.

And don't forget to be good to yourself. Treat yourself to some new books of poetry.

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