
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bits and Pieces of Good Stuff

cover art by Pris Campbell

I was happy this week to receive notice that my poem, Prunis Persica, has received a Pushcart nomination from Redheaded Stepchild. This journal reads only poems that have been rejected elsewhere, which probably leaves most of us with plenty to choose from when putting together a submission. It's reaffirming to have my previously rejected poem receive this nice mark of approval.

I was also delighted to find this list of recommended poetry books from Garrison Keillor's newsletter. Unlike some other recent lists, this one includes a number of women authors, one of whom is me! I was thrilled to find my book, What Feeds Us, listed here. If you purchase through the site, a portion of the price goes to NPR.

And because good things must come in groups of three, I'm also pleased to direct you to a lovely new online journal, Melusine, where I have two poems, "Bathing in Forest Dusk," and "Implosion". I like the way this journal pairs art with the poems.

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