
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Journals That Accept Online Submissions

Here is an updated list of journals that accept online submissions. Note that some guidelines specify that the journal does not accept email submissions, but does accept via their online submission manager.

Journals that have been added to this list are indicated by a double asterisk. A few journals have been deleted as they no longer accept online submissions or have gone out of business.

Note also that the number of issues per year is indicated as is the reading period for each journal.

Unless noted otherwise, the journal accepts simultaneous submissions.

As always, please let me know if you find any errors here. And good luck.

Sept 1-May 31

The American Poetry Journal—2x
September 1-April 30

Baltimore Review —2x
all year

Barn Owl Review—1x
June 1-November 1

at this time accepting only for online publication
all year

Bat City Review—1x
June 1-November 15

all year

Bellevue Literary Review—2x
all year

**Boston Review—6x
Sept 15-May 15

all year

all year

Cider Press Review—2x
April 1-Aug. 31
No sim

September 1-May 1

all year

next reading period will begin June 1, 2009

Greatcoat—1 or 2x
all year

Gulf Stream—2x
September 15-December 15
January 15-March 15

Hawk & Handsaw—1x
August 1-October 1

The Hollins Critic—5x
Sept 1-Dec. 15

Kenyon Review—4x
prefers no sim
September 15-January 15
(revising website—currently unavailable so check)

Keyhole Magazine—4x
all year

The Literary Review—4x
September 1-January 31

The Lumberyard—2x
all year
(currently closed for submissions—will reopen in the fall)

The MacGuffin—3x
all year

The Massachusetts Review—4x
all year

Meridian—2x ($2 fee)
all year

The Missouri Review–4x
all year

Naugatuck River Review—2x
for the Summer issue January 1 through March 1
for the Winter issue July 1 through September 1

New Madrid—2x
August 15-November 1

New Orleans Review—2x
Aug 15-May 1

**The New Yorker—weekly
all year

**New York Quarterly—3x
All year

Ninth Letter—2x
September 1-April 30

August 1-March 31

year round
no sim

Post Road Magazine—2x
check website for submission dates

Puerto del Sol—2x
September 15-March 31

The Raintown Review—2x
all year
considers previously published

year round

year round

all year

**San Pedro River Review—2x
Jan 1-Feb 28 / July 1-Aug 31

Slice Magazine—2x
Feb. 1-April 1

**Smartish Pace—2x
All year

**The Southeast Review—2x
All year

**Southwest Review—4x
No June, July, August
$2 fee

Spinning Jenny—1x
Sept 15-May 15
No Sim

**Tar River Poetry—2x
via email
Sept 15-Nov. 1
no sim

Third Coast Review—2x
August 2-April 30

all year

Sept 1-March1

Sept 15-Jan 15

Virginia Quarterly Review—4x
September 1-May 31
prefers no simultaneous

**Weave Magazine—2x
All year

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