
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Journals That Read in the Summer—Part 2

Here's the second installment of the list of journals that read during the summer. Again, please let me know if you spot an error. And be sure to check the guidelines for specifics. Most, if not all, of these journals have websites.

Reminder of how the list works:
**indicates that simultaneous submission is ok
x indicates the number of times the journal publishes per year
If dates are not included, that means the journal reads all year

**Hiram Poetry Review-1x

Hudson Review-April 1-July 31 (all year if a subscriber)

**Hunger Mountain-2x

**Inkwell-Aug 1-Nov 30

**The Journal--2x


**Knock—2x-email subs okay

**Lake Effect—1x

**Literal Latte--6x

Louisiana Literature-2x

**Lullwater Review --Aug 1-May 31

Madison Review-2x

Manhattan Review-1x

**Margie—June 1-Aug 1-1x
subscriber all year

Michigan Quarterly Review

**Mid-American Review-2x-slower in summer months

**The Midwest Quarterly Review--4x

Missouri Review-3x--6-12 poems

**Natural Bridge-July 1-Aug 31-2x

**New American Writing—June-Jan—1x

**New Orleans Review--2x—Aug 15 thru May 15

**New York Quarterly—3x


North American Review-6x


**Poet Lore--2x

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  1. Hi Diane, thanks so much for posting these lists. I had been thinking there weren't many journals reading during the summer -- so thank you for all the useful evidence to the contrary! Hope your writing is going well. Matt

  2. Hi again, here's updated info on New Orleans Review: "accepts unsolicited submissions of original poetry, fiction, nonfiction, translations, and book reviews from August 15 through May 15."

  3. Thanks, Matt. Just added the dates. Not much summer, but still a few weeks of it. I've found this journal generally unresponsive but perhaps others have had better experiences.


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