
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Anthology Launch Reading

On Friday, April 3, I'll be participating in a group reading for a new anthology, Eating Her Wedding Dress: A Collection of Clothing Poems. The reading will be held at the Paul Robeson Arts Center, 102 Witherspoon St, Princeton, NJ, 7:30 PM-9:30 PM. If you're in the area, stop in. Free poems. Free food. The book will be available for sale and signing.

I'm interested in the various innovative ways that publishers and poets can promote and market their books. A few weeks ago I received this flier from the publishers. They asked that I post it locally. Each poet in the book received this flier but with her or his own name highlighted. Pretty clever, I thought.

I'm delighted to be in this collection. Although the flier might give the impression that I'm the star, I'm not. I am, however, in some very fine company. Here's the full list of contributors:

Kim Addonizio • Marcia Aldrich • Sherrill Alesiak • Celia Lisset Alvarez • Margaret Atwood • Elizabeth H. Barbato • Wendy Barker • Janet Barry • Rachim Baskin • Jan Beatty • Shaindel Beers • Nadine D. Boulware • Deirdre Brennan • Michael R. Brown • Megan Buchanan Cherry • Enriqueta Carrington • Billy Collins • Carolyn A. Dahl • Elizabeth Danson • Diane Elayne Dees • Madeline DeFrees • Stephan Delbos • Juditha Dowd • Lynn Emanuel • Elaine Equi • John Estes • John L. Falk • Roberta Feins • Linda Annas Ferguson • Ellen Foos • Alice Friman • Christine Gelineau • Wally Glickman • Jorie Graham • Susan Grimm • Carol Guess • Greg Hagan • Rasma Haidri • Daniel A. Harris • Ishmael von Heidrick-Barnes • Carlos Hernández Peña • Beatrice M. Hogg • Janis Butler Holm • Jean Hollander • Eric Howard • Winifred Hughes-Spar • M.J. Iuppa • Vasiliki Katsarou • James Keane • Shelley Spence Kiernan • Jane Knechtel • Maxine Kumin • Valerie Lawson • Daniel W.K. Lee • Laura LeHew • Howard Lieberman • Betty Lies • Lorraine Henrie Lins • Diane Lockward • Christina Lovin • Bobbi Lurie • Amy MacLennan • Eileen Malone • Alda Merini • Susan Meyers • Paul Muldoon • Charlotte Nekola • Ruth O'Toole • Carl Palmer • Andrea Potos • Wanda S. Praisner • James Richardson • Penelope Scambly Schott • Lynne Shapiro • Rochelle Jewel Shapiro • Shoshauna Shy • Charles Simic • Erin Elizabeth Smith • J.D. Smith • Elizabeth Anne Sussman Socolow • Jill Stein • Harvey Steinberg • Susan Stewart • Maxine Susman • Katrin Talbot • Maria Terrone • Mary Langer Thompson • Anca Vlasopolos • Donna Vorreyer • Lynn Wagner • Helen Pruitt Wallace • Ann Walters • Andy Wass • Arlene Weiner • Lesley Wheeler • Irene Willis • Laura Madeline Wiseman • Anne Harding Woodworth • Susan Yount • Andrena Zawinski • Claire Zoghb

Each poet who attends will read her poem. Mine is "Eve's Red Dress." I'll receive my copy at the reading. Then I might have a bit more to tell you about the book. I'm looking forward to seeing it and to being part of the reading.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great anthology! I have been/am at times obsessed by dress. This is an anthology for me. Congrats!


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