
Friday, February 27, 2009

Thanks for Coming to the Table

What a fabulous response I received to my poem, "Linguini." I'm in danger of becoming conceited. First, as of result of the Garrison Keillor feature, I've received actual fan mail from all over the place. Then lots of book sales action. A request from an editor to submit to a journal. Another request to use the poem in an anthology that's in the works. A request for a school visit. A number of blogs have cross-linked to the poem or posted the poem. Finally, this blog has throughout the week received a record number of visitors. Thank you one and all. New visitors, I hope you'll come back often.

Several people said that the poem made them hungry. And apparently several people put the poem in the service of Lust! Who says poetry makes nothing happen? Way to go, Poem!

Several people were reminded of the spaghetti scene in the Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp. I found that scene on YouTube. Take a peek and enjoy the background music, "Bella Notte."

Here's a delightful human reenactment. Note the nose pushing over the plate of spaghetti. Nice touch.

And last, here's an inventive and sexy interpretation of the scene. There's even a scarf in it.

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  1. Oh my gosh, Diane! Congrats on being a Writer's Almanac poet. I loooove "Linguini." What a fabulous poem; I can see why Garrison picked it. You're making me hungry for pasta alla vongole right now . . . at 10:36 am.

  2. Sorry I couldn't make the reading this weekend.

    Keillor is big for building buzz. He's important for poetry and I dislike people who dismiss him and his anthologies.

    Now, if we can just get Oprah to do a poetry book club...


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