
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Journals That Accept E-mail Submissions

Here is an updated list of journals that accept online submissions. Note that some guidelines specify that the journal does not accept email submissions, but does accept via their online submission manager.

Journals that have been added to this list are indicated by a double asterisk. A few journals have been deleted as they are no longer accepting online submissions.

Note also that I’ve added the reading period for each journal.

Unless noted otherwise, the journal accepts simultaneous submissions.

As always, please let me know if you find any errors here. And good luck.

Sept 1-May 31

The American Poetry Journal
September 1-April 30

Baltimore Review
all year

Barn Owl Review
June 1-November 1

closed for poetry at this time

Bat City Review
June 1-November 15

closed for submissions until 2009

Bellevue Literary Review
all year

** Caesura
all year

all year

September 1-May 1

All year—but has become unresponsive to submissions and queries

all year

next reading period will begin June 1, 2009

all year

Gulf Stream
September 15-March 15
Print journal indefinitely postponed—reading only for online journal

** Hawk & Handsaw
August 1-October 1

Kenyon Review
prefers no sim
September 15-January 15

The Literary Review
September 1-January 31

The Lumberyard
all year

The MacGuffin
all year

Many Mountains Moving ($2 fee)
online submissions temporarily suspended, but they plan to resume

Meridian ($2 fee)
all year

New Madrid
August 15-November 1

Ninth Letter
September 1-April 30

August 1-March 31

year round

**Puerto del Sol
September 15-March 31

year round

year round

all year

Slice Magazine
accepting submissions for Spring/Summer 2009 issue from September 1-November 1, 2008

Third Coast Review
August 2-April 30

all year

Sept 1-March1

Sept 15-Jan 15

** Virginia Quarterly Review
September 1-May 31
prefers no simultaneous

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  1. That link won't take you to upstreet's guidelines; here's the correct one:

  2. All the following links are duds:

    Hawk & Handsaw
    Virginia Quarterly Review

    You have "" included in the hyperlinks so an easy one to fix.

  3. Seems you're only talking print journals, Diane. See this link for poetry journals that take online submissions, though not all info is accurate.

  4. Thanks Vigilant Readers! I found a few others that also weren't working. I don't know why but Blogger, of its own volition, inserted numerous unwanted characters (eg %20 and blogger address). All have been fixed and hopefully will stay that way.

    Carol--Yes, the list is only print journals. I assume that most if not all online journals take online / email submissions. My list is restricted to print journals so you can save some postage.

  5. Hi Diane
    Thanks for taking on what is always a monumental task: capturing specific market niches in a single list. I appreciate the time and effort you have taken.


  6. Thanks for taking the time to compile this list and sharing this information!

  7. Great resource. Thanks for compiling. I'll be back to check it & will put a link on my page too.

  8. RE: One thing I don't get is why anyone would go to an open reading and miss the readings by the poets who are part of the festival. And yet I heard that most of the opens had more readers than could be accommodated.

    As someone who sat through four days of fabulous poetry, some of my favorite poets answered the same questions for varying audiences. IMHO Open Readings are a chance to read your work to a new audience. Some readers admitted they had NEVER read their work aloud before. Some of these people drove for hours to read one poem - and, of course be inspired. In fact, in the Grist Mill, even when there was no Open Reading scheduled, the poets stayed in the unsupervised building an sociably ran their own Open Reading.


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