
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Summer Submissions

Summertime is when many of us have more time. More time for at last sending off some of those poems that have been waiting for our attention. The problem is that a number of the journals you have on your list don't read in the summer. Still, there are a number of journals that do read in the summer or at least part of the summer. Here's part of my list of those journals. If this seems useful, I'll post more in a later post. Please note that these are all print journals. Also, please note that it might not be one hundred percent accurate as journals often change their guidelines. Check guidelines at the journal's website. Then please, if you find an error, let me know. Good luck!

**indicates that simultaneous submission is ok
x indicates the number of times the journal publishes per year.
If dates are not included, that means the journal reads all year.

**American Poetry Journal—2x
(summer only for subscribers)

American Poetry Review--6x-tabloid

**Another Chicago Magazine-2x-Feb-Aug 31

**The Artful Dodge--1x--6 poems

**Ascent-3x, shorter poems pref

**Asheville Poetry Review--3x--deadline July 15

**Atlanta Review--deadlines June 1 & Dec 1

**Baltimore Review-2x (sub by email)

**Barn Owl Review—1x—June 1--Nov. 30—email sub

**Barrow Street--2x

**Bat City Review—May 1-Nov 1-1x

**Bateau—year round—2x—email sub

Beloit Poetry Journal--3x

Birmingham Poetry Review-2x--deadlines Nov 1 & May 1

**Black Warrior Review-2x

**Briar Cliff Review--1x-Aug 1-Nov 1

**Burnside Review—2x—email sub ok

**Caketrain—1x—email sub ok

**Cave Wall--Aug--Sept

**Center—July 1-Nov. 30

Cider Press Review--1x-email subs--April 1-Aug 31

**Cimarron Review-4x

**Columbia Poetry Review—Aug 1-Nov 30


**Connecticut Poetry Review-1x

**Connecticut Review--deadlines Sept 1 & Feb 1

**Crab Orchard Review (for special issue)

**Cranky—email sub-3x


5 AM--2x-tabloid

**Five Fingers-1x-June 1-Aug 30

**The Florida Review--2x

Fulcrum-1x-June thru August 31

**Gargoyle-1x--June 1--Sept

**Greatcoat—2x—email subs only


**The Grove Review—Aug 1 deadline

Hanging Loose--3x

**Harpur Palate—2x

**Hayden’s Ferry--2x

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  1. Thanks for doing this, Diane. I didn't realize how many of these mags are now allowing sim-subs. It's a lovely thing.


    I'm not sure about Cranky's future. You might want to query before sending.

    I'm also pretty certain Fine Madness is closing shop. My poems accepted there in early 2005 still haven't seen the light of print.

  2. Thanks, everyone. Martha--re Cranky, I've queried twice about a submission but no response, though their website gives no indication of closing. Fine Madness--I just checked their website. They apologize for the long delay and indicate "an uncertain future." Better news; the Contents of issue 30 is posted and your name is there! But I'll remove that journal from the list.


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