
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Submissions by Email

Twice before I have posted a list of print journals that accept email submissions. I continue to be appreciative of journals that have made this accommodation. With the summer months upon us and perhaps with a bit more time on our hands, this seems like a good time to update the earlier list. I have several journals to add to the list. Asterisks indicate the additions. Be sure to check guidelines to make sure submissions are accepted during the summer.

Unless noted otherwise, the journal accepts simultaneous submissions.

The American Poetry Journal

**Baltimore Review

Barn Owl Review—new journal


**Bat City Review

Bateau—new journal

Bellevue Literary Review

**Cadillac Cicatrix

** Caketrain




**Gulf Stream

Kenyon Review—no sim

**The Literary Review—closed until 9/08

**The Lumberyard

**The MacGuffin

Many Mountains Moving ($2 fee)

Meridian ($2 fee)

New Madrid

**Ninth Letter

The Normal School—new journal

Pebble Lake Review






**Slice Magazine

Third Coast Review

32 Poems—no sim—website does not yet reflect the change to submission procedure. Here is the site for the Manuscript Hub


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  1. Thank you so much for these updates. This was how I first stumbled onto your blog. I was googling for the address to that Louie Crew list and yours also turned up. I enjoyed your blog enough to occasionally check back in, even though I wasn't familiar with your work.

    Months later, I was at a poetry group and began thumbing through an anthology that someone brought in, looking for something to read. "My Husband Discovers Poetry" caught my eye, so I read that to the group. I didn't realize the connection until I googled the poet's name, later that night.

  2. Glad you did stumble over here. Small world--I met Louie Crew last Sunday. He read at the poetry festival I've been running for 5 years. Photo of him a few entries back. How nice to know that you also stumbled onto my poem.

    I just added Poetry to the list--it's something that I expect will change periodically.

  3. Wow, what a great resource! Thanks for compiling this list, Diane!

  4. Hi, I'm here via World Class Poetry blog, and I just want to tell you that I like your site. Thank you for these resources for submitting via email. And may I just tell you about a new literary journal I've come to know and who are looking for submissions? It's called Asphalt Sky and it's classy elegance..:) I think it would be a nice addition to your list. I plan on coming back; I'm providing a link to your site for my readers.

    If there's typos in this comment it's because I can't see your entire comment box. You might want to change your settings so others less innovative than me will be able to post comments here.

    Thanks for an enjoyable read !

    Poetmeister...on the road to Parnassus

  5. Thanks for visiting. I don't know why you had trouble with the comment box. No one else has mentioned that. I'll check my preferences, but it might also be the browser you're using. My list of journals includes only print journals since it's pretty much assumed that an online journal will take email subs. I hit the link for Asphalt Sky, but it took me to a blog. I couldn't find the journal itself.

  6. Dear Diane Lockward, I think I will read regularly this blog, very useful the print magazines accepting email subs.
    I would be glad if you read my blog.
    I am Italian but I write in English.
    Best wishes,
    Davide Trame

  7. This is a great list and I thank you for compiling it.


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