
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Letters to the World: Panel, Party, Readings

Letters to the World was unveiled at this year's AWP in New York. The book was proudly displayed at the Red Hen booth where each Wompo listserv member was able to pick up her contributor's copy. Because of the uniqueness of the publication project, list member Ann Hostetler had proposed a panel presentation. This was held on Friday morning and was a huge success. Wompos who had known each other only online were able to meet face to face. Each panelist told about her role in the anthology's creation and then read one poem from the book. Thus we heard voices from around the world.

The panelists getting ready to present, left to right: Annie Finch, Lesley Wheeler, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Ann Hostetler, D'Arcy Randall, and there but outside the frame, Kate Gale and Rosemary Starace

Saturday night Red Hen held a book launch party at The Bowery Poetry Club. The women poets again gathered, this time to sign each other's books and to socialize.

Kate Gale proudly holding Letters to the World

Wompos Diane Kendig, Julie Enszer, Julia Lisella's sister, and Pat Valdata

Though the party ended that night, members of the Wompo listserv have been organizing readings across the country. An online registry was started months ago. Members who live somewhat close together have met for these readings. Here are some photos from four readings.

April 13, 2008
Avol's Bookstore in Madison, Wisconsin
Karla Huston, Shoshauna Shy, David Graham (we have a few man-pos),
Marilyn Taylor, organizer Susan Elbe, and Wendy Vardaman

April 17, 2008
University of Washington's Women's Center. Seattle, Washington
Susan Rich, Julene Weaver, Martha Silano, Kelli Russell Agodon, Carol Levin,
Shin Yu Pai, and Lana Hechtman Ayers

Shin Yu Pai reads from the anthology

Susan Rich reading, Carol Levin seated

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Barrington, Rhode Island
Ruth Foley, Diane Kendig, Elaine Brown, Joyce Heon, Joanie DiMartino,
Audrey Friedman, and Ada Jill Schneider who organized the reading

Audrey Friedman reads

Sunday, May 4, 2008
Round Top, Texas
Chris Leche, Alicia Zavala Galvan, Judy Jensen,
Wendy Taylor Carlisle, and Katherine Durham Oldmixon

Wendy Taylor Carlisle reads

Alicia Zavala Galvan and organizer Judy Jensen

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  1. Thanks for posting these photos! It's great to see that readings are happening all over the country (I knew it was going on, but something about seeing faces attached to names is so, so wonderful).

  2. Wish I could have been there. Looks great!

  3. Yes, thanks for posting. It is nice to see poets whose work I've read even if only in photos.


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