
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Blog Biz

Fellow blogger David Pitchford has posted some very generous praise of my book, What Feeds Us, at Bitter Hermit. I love it when a Google Alert comes through with such a nice surprise. David's words have made me happy all day. Check it out!

Then this morning I reconnected via email with a friend from the Frost Place, Sue Payne, who I met the first year I went there which was shortly after I'd started writing poetry. We've seen each other there a number of times. But then I'm in NJ and she's in Chicago, so it was too easy to fall out of touch. I was delighted to learn that Sue has married, left a job that did not satisfy her and found one that does, and is well and happy.

Sue found me via David Graham's new list (I think it's new), Poetry Blogs. This is a list of blogs related to poetry. Check it out! That's two good Davids in one day.

Plus, while I have now finished my second box of Valentine chocolates, I still have one left. As long as they are here, I can't seem to stop stuffing my face.

And tonight American Idol gets serious as we're down to the top 24. The show is on tonight, tomorrow, and Thursday. Don't even think about inviting me somewhere.

One more thing about poetry blogs, be sure to check out Reginald Shepherd's comments on the subject at Critical Mass: the blog of the national book critics circle board of directors. Reginald details some of the benefits that have come to him as a result of blogging. It's an excellent read.


  1. awesome another poet. I was wondering if you would like to post some of your poems on my poetry website?

  2. Thanks, and sure, just use something that's already on the internet--and say where you found it if and when you post the work. Visit my website for links to poems.


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