
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Submissions by Email

Each time I go to the post office to mail out submissions, I come home with an enhanced appreciation for those journals which accept submissions via email. With the cost of postage, mailing envelope, SASE, paper, and printer ink, sending out can get costly. Fortunately, a number of good journals now accept via email, some only that way. Here's a short list of journals that accept by email. All of these accept simultaneous submissions unless indicated otherwise.

Print Journals That Accept Email Submissions

Barn Owl Review—new journal

Bateau—new journal


Kenyon Review—no simultaneous submissions

Many Mountains Moving ($2 fee)

Meridian ($2 fee)

The Normal School—new journal

Pebble Lake Review
no multiple subs (which in my book means don’t submit more than one packet at a time—if the editor means no simultaneous submissions, that needs to be changed)




Third Coast Review

There's a much lengthier list maintained online by Louie Crew. There are a few drawbacks to this list: 1) it does not indicate which are print and which are online journals 2) there is a huge variation in quality of the journals. So do be sure to check guidelines and past issues carefully.

Poetry Publishers Who Accept Electronic Submissions

Let me know if you have any print journals to add to my list.


  1. that pesky Kenyon Review closed submissions on 1/5/08

  2. Diane, over on, you can limit your search to print journals that take poetry submissions electronically. Take a look. Best, Erika.

  3. Thanks, Erika. I just used their search engine and got back a very long list. I'll spend some time weeding through the list. Although this list limits to print journals, like the list I linked to in my post, the quality of the journals listed varies widely.

  4. Hi, Diane. Well, yes. Given the size of the database, the results are extensive and not surprisingly, they include a range of publications. But I find Duotrope a very useful research resource. Hope you noticed the search feature can be limited to publications that accept simultaneous submissions, too. Best, Erika.


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