
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Blogroll and Interview

I've just added three new poets to my blogroll:
1. Nin Andrews who I've never met but whose poetry I greatly admire. In the summer of 2005, I was one of the guest poets at The Frost Place Conference on Poetry and Teaching. For the afternoon session my job was to present poems I admired by other poets, to read them aloud, and discuss what I liked about them. Nin's "Red Blossoms" was one of the twelve poems I included. I wish I could provide you with a link to the poem, but it doesn't seem to be available online. It first appeared in The Paris Review and was later anthologized in No Boundaries: Prose Poems by 24 American Poets, edited by Ray Gonzalez (Tupelo Press). It's an exquisite, luscious poem and a wonderful example of how craftily repetition can be used.

2. Amy Lemmon I first met in cyberspace on the Wompo listserv. Later I met her in person at the West Chester Conference. She's just won the Sow's Ear chapbook competition and will have her collection, Fine Motor, published in 2008. I'm looking forward to it.

3. Ken Ronkowitz I mentioned in my last post. In addition to operating his excellent website and companion blog, he's a fine poet and a techno-wizard. And like me, a former English teacher who sought other pastures.

And check this out: Elizabeth P. Glickman interviews me in the current issue of Eclectica. The interview focuses on my new book and covers issues of craft and process.


  1. Thanks! From a fan to a fan. I hate to admit this, but there is a form buried in "Red Blossoms." I don't know if I stuck to it or abused it to an extent. I tried to pretend it wasn't really there by making it a prose poem. And I love prompts too. I think they open doors I didn't know were there.

  2. Hi Nin. Great to hear from you. I'm really enjoying these blogworld intersections. So what is the form buried inside "Red Blossoms"?--you've piqued my curiosity. I love the idea of hiding one form inside another.

  3. Diane, Thanks so much for blogrolling me! You have a great blog--so many excellent insights, so well written!

  4. Thanks, Amy. Glad you found your way over here.

  5. I would use "techno-wizard" on my tombstone but they charge extra for hyphens. Thanks for the link. I'm enjoying reading your posts too.


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