
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Website of Interest

Someone sent me a link to poetryvlog. Once there you will find a selection of poets reading their work, 5 poems each, on video with audio. Nice for when you need a reading but can't get out to one. There's a link that provides you with instructions on how to submit your own video. Little annoyance: my AOL browser instructed me to download QuickTime which I did. Then I was asked to download a Netscape plug-in, but when I attempted to do so, I received an apology from AOL that they haven't yet found a plug-in for Macs. I was able to view the video using Safari and Firefox, but why isn't AOL providing a plug-in?

Good News Department: Ed Byrne just let me know that he's nominated my poem, "Temptation by Water," for the 2007 Best of the Net anthology from Sundress Publications. The poem appears in the current issue of Valparaiso Poetry Review. Other nominees will be posted this weekend at Ed's blog.


  1. Congratulations on the nomination! :) It is a terrific poem.

  2. Anne--Thanks for stoppping by and for leaving a compliment!


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