
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

This Is Just to Say

. . . that I've finally decided to join the world of blogging. I resisted in the past, thinking blogging was perhaps a waste of time and perhaps a bit self-indulgent. Maybe it is. But I've also realized lately that a blog is a good way of joining the larger community of poets. And it seems that in spite of the many miles separating bloggers from each other, a feeling of friendship emerges. I've been reading a number of poetry blogs and finding the conversation interesting and often useful with lots of good tips and links. So while I'm feeling a bit like a child about to enter a new school, here I am. I hope to contribute something to the conversation and not to whine too much. But don't get me started on the new postal rates!


  1. Welcome, Diane! I've definitely found that to be true, about blogging being a way to join the larger community of poets. And maybe it's a little self-indulgent sometimes, but I'm not sure that's always such a bad thing...

  2. Hi Diane,
    Welcome aboard! Blogging is a good way to meet and get in touch with other poets. I've met a lot of terrific folks and discovered a lot of really good writing this way.

  3. Thanks, Suzanne and Matthew. How lovely to know that someone is indeed reading and then how nice to be warmly welcomed! Matthew, do you remember reading together at Playwrights Theater?

  4. Thanks, Anne. Good point about the value of self-indulgence. I've done a ton of work today, so a little indulgence seems in order. I'm already feeling part of the community
    with all these nice welcomes.

  5. Hi Diane, yes, I do! That is one of my favorite reading experiences. Nice to run into you again, via blog.


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